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Twisted Books

Hi y’all,

I’ve long since come to terms with the fact that I ramble. Due to this, I think it’s only fitting that this blog reflects my rambles. So today, this random post is about books! Or, more specifically, books that are a little twisted, but nothing like Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh (disclaimer: I have not actually read this book, I’ve just heard things about it…it’s on my TBR list, though). 

The first two books I’m going to talk about are novellas that were translated into English, which I find interesting in itself because it makes me wonder how the reviews of the novellas in their original languages were. These first two have very mixed reviews. I’m listing the three books I’m going to talk about today in the order of which one I liked the least to the one I liked the most.

Without further ado, let’s get started on reviews!

  1. We Had to Remove This Post by Hanna Bervoets, translated by Emma Rault

This novella, translated into English from Dutch, is labeled as a queer horror. It was a very quick read, and I was very interested in the premise. In short, it’s about the toll that social media content moderating takes on the employees who have to decide whether the content posted is appropriate or not. Some very dark themes are discussed, so I would put a HEAVY trigger warning on this novella.

Overall, I liked it in a basic sense. I could tell where it was going, and it was a pretty easy read; however, I think it was a little surface-level. I wish it was longer and delved deeper into the idea of how the content these moderators have to deal with takes such a psychological toll on them. 

I’m not entirely sure whether to recommend this book. If you want to dip your toes into something a little dark and disturbing, and don’t mind a short easy read, then I’d say go for it. I think it could’ve been expanded on, but I don’t think it’s a bad book overall.

  1. The Laws of The Skies by Grégoire Courtois, translated by Rhonda Mullins

This is not a spoiler— this is quite literally in the blurb of the book: every single character dies.

This novella, translated into English from French, is labeled as a horror/thriller. Twelve children and three chaperones go on a school camping trip, and like I said before, every. single. one of them. dies.

This one is actually kind of crazy. It was reallyyyy messed up, and at times gruesome. This one was also a quick read, and I liked it better than We Had to Remove This Post. I liked the way that Courtois flipped around the different points of views. My main critique is that the children are said to be six years old, but they act a little older than that; however, if you can overlook that, then I think the rest of it is pretty solid. It kept me on the edge of my seat, despite knowing how it would end.

Once again, I would have to add some pretty heavy trigger warnings. It, obviously, contains a lot of death, and this is not a novella for everyone. If you like these types of twisted books, though, and you read it, do let me know so I have someone to talk about it with.

  1. The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins

Brilliant. Brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT.

I love this book so much. It’s a fantasy/mystery/horror. It’s twisted, but I feel like it meshes well with the fantastical and mystery aspects and isn’t over the top.

This guy, known as Father, adopts these children and raises them to be Librarians, each mastering a section he assigns to them. He goes missing, and his children are left to search for him before everything goes awry.

I don’t want to give away too much. I LOVE this book, though— did I say that already? It’s a brilliant work of urban fantasy, and also…there’s a bit of a linguistic element to it because the main character, Carolyn, is the Librarian of languages.

I can’t wait to go back and read this book again, honestly. It’s crazy in the best way— there are definitely twisted aspects to it, but it’s so compelling and doesn’t ruin the story. I really wish I could say more, but this is a book you HAVE to experience on your own. Once you get through the first few chapters, it really picks up. I just…I can’t get over it.

So. Good.

I’m currently reading Ring by Koji Suzuki. As I am writing this, I have just found out that this was the premise for the movie “The Ring”, directed by Gore Verbinski. I cannot believe that I didn’t know that that movie was inspired by a book. I’ll admit, I haven’t even seen the movie. The only thing I know about it is that there’s a girl with long black hair on a video. Now I’m a little freaked out about reading the book, but nonetheless, I shall continue to read it anyway! I’m very curious to finish it and then watch the movie and compare. Maybe that’ll be another blog post topic, who knows.

Anyway, thanks for reading another one of my rambles! 


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